This book teaches capacity building to avoid failure and resist it when it seems like it is staring at you, taking a cue from my experience. Damn failure and embrace success by taking bold steps. You may fake the steps initially, but as you proceed by taking further steps, you will suddenly realize that your steps are in the right direction, taking you to your desired destination.
Multiple Bold Steps is all about taking steps that will bring the future near quickly. To predict the future accurately, you must be able to create it. Creating the future involves taking “multiple bold steps.”
Three major cycles of life were discussed in this book, namely, learning cycle, earning cycle, and relaxation cycle. The earlier you discover your cycle in life, the better and faster it is for you to reach the ultimate cycle known as the relaxation cycle at a good and desired age.
ABAYOMI ADEYERI hopes the book could help provide the keys that will open doors to efficiency and excellence, and empower the readers throughout their quest for success.
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